Iranian diplomat holds talks with Bulgarian officials

February 1, 2019 - 21:2

TEHRAN - Iran’s Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Araqchi met separately with a number of Bulgarian officials on Thursday, discussing expansion of ties between Tehran and Sofia.

He held talks with Bulgarian President’s Secretary on Foreign Affairs Dimitar Arnaudov, Transport Minister Rosen Zhelyazkov and 
Vice-President of the National Assembly Veselin Naydenov Mareshki.

Arnaudov expressed hope that the two countries would expand relations in various spheres.

He noted that Bulgaria attaches great importance to expansion of ties with Iran as a country that plays an important role in the Middle East region.

Zhelyazkov said that Bulgaria prioritizes expansion of cooperation with Iran.

He also voiced his country’s readiness to hold the 19th joint commission of the two countries in near future.

Araqchi started a European tour on Monday by first visiting Austria and Slovakia prior to his trip to Bulgaria.

He met with International Atomic Energy Agency Director General Yukiya Amano in Vienna on Monday while in Austria.


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